The 3 steps to register your enterprise for DLT are as follows:
Step 1
Register your Business as a Principal Entity with a telecom provider.
Given below are the instructions to register via the preferred operator, Jio:
Click the Register Now button to begin the process.

Select the Principal Entity option.

If this is your first time registering your business as Principal Entity and you haven't earlier, select No in answer to the question "Are you already registered as a Principal Entity.

Enter information of the Authorized Contact Person and your Organization Name.
Select the Organization Category from a dropdown list.

Select the KYC Document Type from a dropown list and enter the relevant document numbers for the same.

Upload the relevant KYC documents. Ensure the file sizes are not higher than 5MB.

Enter your Email ID, Mobile Number and Organization Address. Create a Password and Confirm the same.
Please Note: Use an Organization Email and Mobile Number and avoid using your personal details, as the Login OTP will be sent to the registered details. The details are also difficult to change post the completion of registration.

Click Submit once you've entered all relevant details.
You will receive an OTP once you click Submit. Please enter the OTP to complete Mobile Number verification.
You will receive the following email confirming your request for Principal Entity registration. This process will take up to 3 days.

On approval, you will receive an email with your Login Details and Entity Number.

You can now Login and access your Jio DLT account.

Step 2
Add Kaleyra as your Telemarketer.
Login to your Jio DLT Account.
Click on the Campaign from the menu bar and select My Telemarketer.
Choose Manage Telemarketer from the tab displayed on the right of the screen.
Use the Search option to find Kaleyra or Solutions Infini. From the List of Telemarketers results you will find the Telemarketer ID for Kaleyra. The details should be as follows:
Telemarketer Name: Kalyera
Telemarketer ID: 120210000041
Now drag the row from the List of Telemarketers and drop it in the My Telemarketer table. Click Apply once done.
You will receive a Success dialogue box stating TE has been mapped to PE.

Step 3
Now register your Business Header ID, which is the 6 character identity from which your customers receive SMS communication.
Login to your Jio DLT Account.
Click on Header SMS from the menu bar and select Header SMS Registration.

Now select your Header Type as Others (Transactional, Service Explicit, Service Implicit) and your Category as Food & Beverages.

Create a 6 character Business Header ID.
Click on Submit. You will receive a Success dialogue box stating your acknowledging the submission of your Request for Header ID Registration. You will also receive an email confirmation of the same.

If the 6 character ID you submitted is already in use, you will receive an Error dialogue box. You will then have to edit the entered ID to ensure it is unique.

The approval process can take up to 7 days. Meanwhile you can check the status of your Registration Header SMS Details from the Header SMS option in the menu bar. Your status will be either Pending for Approval or Rejected or Registered.